CorrectiveSolutions is the premier administrator of diversion programs for the criminal justice system and has been providing cognitive behavioral change classes to misdemeanor offenders for over 25 years. CorrectiveSolutions is pleased to be able to offer our Minors in Possession Program directly to universities committed to holding students accountable to the highest standards of conduct.  

This unique program is specifically designed to address under-age drinking and illegal substance use by college and university students:

  • The curriculum is evidence-based; proven effective at changing negative behaviors.

  • The program demonstrates to local law enforcement the University’s commitment to upholding public safety and being a good community partner.

  • The live interaction with the instructor holds students accountable for their actions in a meaningful way.

  • The webinar format keeps student's identity confidential to encourage honest self-reflection

This unique 6-hour program is a live online webinar held on 3 consecutive Friday evenings.  The class times are designed to disrupt the average student’s typical schedule and intervene during a time that is vulnerable to bad decision making; “Where’s the party? Or “After that test, I could use a drink”.    

Unlike virtually all other online classes that require students to read text and then take a quiz, the CorrectiveSolutions' programs are:

  • Taught live by specially trained facilitators

  • Monitored at all times to ensure active student participation

  • Keep students engaged through poll questions and chats